Spanish in Cadiz



In many Federal States within Germany employees can take educational leave for 5 days a year or 10 days if they have not taken it the previous year. This for our Language Courses are recognized as Bildungsurlaub within the different Federal States offering Bildungsurlaub in Germany. We will provide all necessary documents for you and your employer to gain permission for your educational leave. We will also give you information on which course to choose and the process of approval. Our school works with the german Bildungsurlaub Sprachkurs Service Provider and all our recognitions are displayed on: bildungsurlaub-sprachkurs They are always there for any questions you may have, too. Please don´t hesitate to contact our Bildungsurlaub Experts.

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Pérgolas 5 | 11007 Cadiz - Spain | Tlf. 0034-956 252 724

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