Spanish in Cadiz


In compliance with Orgánica15 / 1999 Act of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), we inform you that the personal information you provide us using our contact email and Web forms, will be treated confidentially and they will become part of automated files owned by Spanish in Cadiz ® which have been duly registered with the Spanish data Protection Agency ( In accordance with current regulations regarding data protection (LOPD) as well as on services of the information society and electronic commerce (LSSICE), you agree that the data provided will be incorporated into files belonging to Spanish in Cadiz ® order to facilitate the provision of the services requested (for sale online) and the expected delivery of information about offers or other reasons that the holder should contact the user / client. The holder undertakes not to send commercial communications without identifying it as such, in accordance with the provisions of Ley34 / 2002 del a Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce. For these purposes will be considered as advertising information sent TO THE CLIENTS send and / or users of provided its object is to maintain the relationship between the client and / or user and HOLDER, as well as the performance of the tasks of information, and other activities of the services provided In any case, the holder kept confidential and fulfilling the obligation of confidentiality of all personal data collected and contained in their files in accordance with current regulations regarding the protection of personal data. User register online store: The site has a public area, accessible to anyone who accesses it, and has private areas accessible only when the user is registered with the online store; in this case, the user must keep the password strictly

confidential. For that: – Profiles and passwords used must be confidential, personal and non-transferable. It is the responsibility of the owner of the password the use made of it. – The user should not store your password in a readable form in files on disk, paper or any other media which can be accessible.

The user change the password in the following circumstances: – Whenever the suspicion that he may have been transgressed their safety is taken . – Whenever another user known or suspected to be. In light of the foregoing, the user is required to immediately notify managers Website about any fact to the improper use of identifiers and / or passwords, such as theft , loss or unauthorized access to, in order to proceed to immediate cancellation. While such facts are not disclosed, THE HOLDER shall be exempted from any liability arising from misuse of IDs or passwords by unauthorized third parties.

Consent for advertising purposes. You consents and expressly authorizes the holder so you can treat your personal data, in order to include their data in advertising campaigns promoted by and ultimately sending consents commercial communications through any means, electronic (telephone, fax, email, SMS, MMS, etc.) or mail (regular mail, etc.) without the means listed serve as a closed list, provided that its object is to maintain the existing relationship between the client and / or user and the owner as well as the performance of the tasks of information, and other activities of the services provided You can revoke consent for advertising purposes according to the procedure described in Exercise Rights ARCO. By accepting the data protection policy, you. States that it has been informed in the terms of Art. 5.1 of Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data and consent to the processing of their personal data the purposes described above, without prejudice to the exercise of the rights ARCO or revocation of consent given. The Owner reserves the right to modify its privacy policy according to its criteria, or because of legislation, case law or business practice. If the holder introduces a modification, the new text will be published on this same website where the user may be aware of current privacy policy of

Interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by registered letter or equivalent form that allows proof of invoice, addressed to Spanish in Cadiz ® in the e-mail address: The request must contain full name of the person concerned, copy of ID and, where it is accepted, the person representing him, as well as a document of representation, request that the request is specified , address for notification , date and signature of the applicant and documents relating to the request made. If the application does not meet the specified requirements its correction is required. Regarding the right of access will only be denied if the request is made by a person other than the affected.

No consideration shall be demanded for the exercise of rights.

Copyright © 2002-2025 Escuela Internacional de Español [sic] Spanish in Cadiz. All rights reserved.

Pérgolas 5 | 11007 Cadiz - Spain | Tlf. 0034-956 252 724

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